Select Destination
  • Tokyo, Jepang
  • Tokyo, Jepang
  • Singapura, Singapura
Select Property
  • Village Hotel Sentosa
  • Village Hotel Albert Court
  • Village Hotel Bugis
  • Village Hotel Changi
  • Village Hotel Katong
  • Village Hotel Ariake Tokyo
  • Far East Village Hotel Tokyo, Asakusa
  • Village Hotel Ariake Tokyo
  • Village Residences West Coast
  • Village Residence Hougang
  • Village Residences Robertson Quay
Note: Minimum stay for serviced residences is 7 days.
1 , 2 Dewasa, 0 Anak-anak
2 0
  • 2 Dewasa
  • 0 Anak-anak (di bawah 12 tahun)
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2 Dewasa, 0 Anak-anak

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      The headings to these Terms of Use and the sequence of these paragraphs are for ease of reference and shall not be taken into account in their interpretation or construction.

      The Group shall have the absolute discretion to update and amend the information and data contained in this website (whether or not posted by the Group on this website) without prior warning or notice. Jobs, positions, products, services and facilities of the Group referred to in this website are provided by the Group at its discretion and may be modified or withdrawn at any time without notice and without the need to provide any reason therefor.

      Should you object to any of these Terms of Use, your only recourse is to immediately discontinue access to and use of this website.


    Click here for information on the Commercial Transaction Policy regarding accommodation reservations at Far East Village Hotel Yokohama.

      Representative of Sakuragicho Hospitality Corporation (6-90-1 Onoecho, Naka-ward, Yokohama city, Japan, phone number at 0452324476), representative as Jonathan James Yong Ze Ng, and selling at website on Far East Village Hotel Tokyo Yokohama Accommodation Online Reservation at or

      When you make a reservation using this website, the reservation is confirmed when the information about the completion of the reservation is displayed on the screen.

      In the case of advance payment by credit card, the reservation will be confirmed when the credit card payment is completed.

      Compensation for services: Depends on each accommodation plan. For details, please refer to the accommodation plan details page.

      Settlement method: Depends on each accommodation plan. For details, please refer to the accommodation plan details page.

      Payment in advance by credit card: Payment by credit card upon completion of online reservation.

      In the case of prepayment, the following information will be sent by e-mail after the reservation is confirmed.

      (1) The name and address of the service provider

      (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the service provider: These are listed at the end of the e-mail.

      The amount of money received: The amount of money received will be indicated in the e-mail.

      The name, address, and telephone number of the Service Provider: The name, address, and telephone number of the Service Provider

      Type of service offered: The name of the accommodation plan will be indicated in the e-mail.

      Time of service provision: The scheduled date of stay will be indicated in the e-mail.

      Cancellation fee: The conditions vary depending on the accommodation plan.

      For more information, please refer to the details page of the accommodation plan for advance payment.